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Private Pregnancy Care
Gestational Diabetes
We want you to feel confident and knowledgeable managing your own condition, so we have put together this information pack to help!

Private Pregnancy Care
Endometriosis Action Month 2024
This March, the team here at ObGyn Matters are helping to raise awareness for Endometriosis-UK and their #EndometriosisActionMonth

Private Pregnancy Care
Postpartum Sexual Enjoyment: Does Mode of Delivery Matter?
Dyspareunia — pain during sex — is relatively common after childbirth, and recent research sheds light on how psychological and biomedical factors relate to this condition.

Private Pregnancy Care
New Ovulatory Disorder Classifications From FIGO Replace 50-Year-Old System
The classification system has been created to replace the much-modified World Health Organization system first described in 1973.

Endometriosis: WaitingTimes
With gynaecology waiting times often stretching for many months, women are increasingly exploring alternatives to get faster care and relief.

Endometriosis Surgery: A Life-Changing Option
For some, it’s the chronic pain, heavy periods, or fatigue. For others, it’s the emotional toll on themselves and their relationships.

Portland Rooftop Drinks Reception for GPs
This week we here at ObGyn Matters hosted a beautiful evening drinks reception on the stunning 6th floor of the Portland Hospital.

Gestational Diabetes
We want you to feel confident and knowledgeable managing your own condition, so we have put together this information pack to help!

British Society of Gynaecological Endoscopy - Annual Scientific Meeting 2024
Last week, our co-founder Mr Chris Barnick travelled to Belfast to attend the BSGE ASM 2024.

The Menopause and Women’s Health
Mr Chris Barnick invited as a guest speaker at the prestigious Women’s University Club in Mayfair.

Endometriosis Action Month 2024
This March, the team here at ObGyn Matters are helping to raise awareness for Endometriosis-UK and their #EndometriosisActionMonth

Is Menopause a process rather than an illness?
Last week Professor Dame Clare Gerada, a GP, gave a speech in which she stated that menopause was a process that women have to go through, and that too much media attention was being given to menopause.

What is lichen sclerosus?
Dr Nicole Zenner at the British Society for the Study of Vulval Disease (BSSVD) Conference

Postpartum Sexual Enjoyment: Does Mode of Delivery Matter?
Dyspareunia — pain during sex — is relatively common after childbirth, and recent research sheds light on how psychological and biomedical factors relate to this condition.

New Ovulatory Disorder Classifications From FIGO Replace 50-Year-Old System
The classification system has been created to replace the much-modified World Health Organization system first described in 1973.

New Estimates for Breast Cancer Risk With HRT
A new, large study has confirmed that different types of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) are associated with an increased risk for breast cancer and has provided additional information on factors associated with that increased risk.