Private Pregnancy Care

Stay up to date with our regular advisory articles

Gestational Diabetes

We want you to feel confident and knowledgeable managing your own condition, so we have put together this information pack to help!

Postpartum Sexual Enjoyment: Does Mode of Delivery Matter?

Dyspareunia — pain during sex — is relatively common after childbirth, and recent research sheds light on how psychological and biomedical factors relate to this condition.

Fish in Pregnancy Not Dangerous After All, Says New Study

A new study has called into question the decades-long official guidance advising pregnant women to limit consumption of certain fish because of their potentially high mercury content.

Obstetric and Fetal wellbeing Scans

Ms Deepa Janga is a Consultant Obstetrician at ObGynMatters with special interest in Fetal Medicine and has 7 years of experience as a Fetal Medicine Consultant in the NHS.

Coronavirus Covid-19 in pregnancy

Pregnant woman are understandably concerned about how COVID 19 might affect their pregnancy and whether or not they are in a high risk group.

Scientists hail trial success of £1 pill to avoid miscarriages

Front page news from the daily Telegraph (10/01/20) reports on a study reported in the online Journal EBioMedicine.

All India Conference of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

An excellent meeting arranged over 4 days. 1250 delegates from all over India and 25 faculty from round the world. Dr. Chris Barnick attended as faculty and Dr. Alison Wright as a Vice President of the RCOG.

Risks of stillbirth and neonatal death with advancing gestation at term

Risks of stillbirth and neonatal death with advancing gestation at term: A systematic review and meta-analysis of cohort studies of 15 million pregnancies.Javaid Muglu et al. PLOS Medicine.

Women risk early Menoupause from air pollution

Two articles in The Times today report on the possible link between air pollution, increased risk of premature menopause and a lower chances of fertility.

RCOG World Congress London

Mr Chris Barnick worked as a speaker and co-facilitator on the QSSS course at the Excel centre 16/6/2019.QSSS is a new worldwide initiative to improve Quality and Safety in the Second Stage.

Increased awareness of fear of childbirth

Two interesting letters in this weeks British Medical Journal (BMJ 2019;365:I22279: BMJ 2019;365:I2286) examine attitudes to childbirth, the psychological trauma that may be caused and the lack of training on birth trauma.

New test for premature births undergoing trials

A team of researchers at Oxford University have published a paper in the journal science which could lead the way to a new blood test that can predict whether a mother will experience a premature birth.

Reducing Avoidable Stillbirths

Inducing pregnant women at around 39 weeks could reduce term stillbirths by up to half. If the induction is done under carefully controlled conditions and both mother and baby are healthy, then the avoidable tragedy of stillbirths could be reduced drastically.

Natural Caesarean Section

Much is written about the choice between having a normal birth without any intervention, or having a caesarean section. A topic which is not often considered is how one can make a caesarean section as natural and as pleasant as possible for the mother, and as natural as possible for the baby.

Exercising in pregnancy

So just how exercise should or can women do in pregnancy? Controversy still exists around this subject. Traditional advice is that women should take it easy, rest more, listen to their bodies and eat for two.

Pap Smear Early in Pregnancy Could Reveal Genetic Disorders Earlier

A new study published today (2nd November 2016) in the journal Science Transitional Medicine has found that genetic disorders can be detected as early as 5 weeks into pregnancy using a pap smear test.

Morning Sickness - a good sign.

Morning sickness is shown to be a good sign when it comes to pregnancy health.

What to look for in a Private Obstetrician

Choosing a private Obstetrician can be tricky as there are so many to choose from and it is important to make the best individual choice. The first thing to look for is location. It is important that the Obstetrician is reasonably accessible. There will be several antenatal visits, ultrasound scans and blood tests as well.

How to Get the Best Private Maternity Care

Pregnant women have differing views regarding which type of private maternity care they would prefer and what they would define as ‘the best’. Most women choose to have Consultant led care in a private hospital but others may feel that ‘the best’ care is offered by an independent midwife possibly with a home delivery.

Ectopic Pregnancy – Cause, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

An ectopic pregnancy is a complication of pregnancy in which the pregnancy implants outside the uterine cavity.

Zika Virus advice for UK travellers

The Zika virus is predominantly transmitted by infected Aedes species of mosquitoes, although there are a small number of reports of sexual transmission.

Does Stress in Pregnancy Influence Baby Brain Development?

Expectant mothers often asked us if their stress levels might influence the development of the baby’s brain.